To reflect, here are some highlights
- 99% of those of you who were training with Carl and I made the unsolicited decision to accompany us to our new location at Form Fitness. I was blown away by this. How humbling. What an honor. It was when I realized this that I realized how much you all care about our community, Carl and me, and most importantly, yourselves.
- CrossCut/Booze Burn in the sweltering heat at Commons and Skyline Park. You participants really deserve a round of applause. Punctuated by vagrant hecklers, impromptu squirt-gun fights (some instigated by Erica's son Vaun), perennially shirtless Brandon, Goldi always wanting her picture taken with a sledge hammer and the open mouthed stares of local business people, this was quite a year. I've no doubt our CrossCut product will continue to improve and we'll look back on this sometimes-rocky start with ear splitting grins.
- Explore Hiking. Grays, Torryes, Princeton, Bear Mountain, Eldorado Canyon and Mount of the Holy Cross. The boots of Explore Fitness covered some serious territory with a surprisingly small amount of whining. We will definitely be exploring new mounntains and terrain farther abroad this upcoming Spring and Summer.
- Tough Mudder. This half-marathon length obstacle course was no match for Guicho, Erica, Lauren and I. Punctuated by three electrified obstacles (somehow Guicho and I got shocked about a dozen times and the girls were spared... how is that possible?), this race is for the stout of heart and the fleet of foot and we crushed it!
- Explore Mountain and Road Biking. While this was often just a few of us (6am weekdays is a tough pill for most of us) we covered some serious territory at Kenosha Pass, White Ranch, the Colorado Trail, Lookout Mountain, Golden Triangle, the Monarch Crest Trail and capped it all off with a respectable finish (26/188) at the 24hours of Moab Race. We'll definitely be organizing even more mountain bike and road bike trips in 2013. Many thanks to Brandon Debenedet and Clay Wyatt for patiently waiting for me on the trails out there!
- Shedding those lbs. By my rough estimation,  Explore Fitness clients SHREDDED 320 combined pounds in six months.Do you know a seamstress?You're getting RIPPED!
- Scout trip to Costa Rica. While just a prelude to our big March blowout fitness adventure it was nonetheless amazing for Carl and I to get the opportunity to spend five days in beautiful Jaco Beach. Highlights include a tree branch breaking off as my big ass tried to climb, attempting to surf, succesfully paddle boarding and the face-to-face-splits-to-high-five dance move Carl and wowed the locals with (I assume they were laughing out of amazement).
- Personal Training. So many of you reached amazing new heights of fitness this year. The best part of my job and the the thing that brings me joy on a daily basis is helping all of you understand just how capable you are of so much. I've repeatedly been asked by clients if I prefer working with my class or with my young, fit people, the assumption being that I must be most enthused by those who can do the most advanced moves, the most intense workouts or lift the most weight. Not so. My most rewarding moments come from seeing people of all ages, shapes and sizes discover or rediscover how truly capable and strong they really are. Those smiles, those moments of triumph regardless of the actual accomplishment are what makes this job the best I can imagine.
- Sean Gale, KT, Sarah, JR and Club Form Fitness. Whe. I learned that Dumbbells was under new I could not resist but pop my head in to scout the competition. After a quick conversation with Sean I realized that our dream of Explore was closer to being a reality than I had imagined. Here, all set to go, was a beautiful facility with a perfect location, an amicable small-business owner who sees his success intrinsically tied to our own and a friendly knowledgeable staff. It's been a pleasure and I look forward to growing together.
- The future. What little we've accomplished in 2012 has given me inspiration to believe that some of our biggest dreams could really happen. I know that Carl and I are not even close to satisfied with what we've done so far. In 2013 we will continue to strive to give you tne best fitness services possible. As you've seen already we've invited Justin Biel to join us, and I know that our team will continue to grow with quality individuals. Know that we are always looking to improve and what we've delivered to date is just the tip of the iceberg.